Sunday, October 17, 2010

are you happy?

on one of our regular night, dalam hal ini maksudnya lagi ngemil, nonton tipi and baca majalah, yuni tiba-tiba menyadari sesuatu,,,, "waah bentar lagi kamu ultah mbak, 30 tahun!! bagaimana perasaanmu? are you happy?"

hmm,,, truth to be told, it took me seconds to finally answer, "yes, i'm happy. why wouldn't i?"

i was kinda annoyed with this thing. not because i'm almost 30. or because yuni asked me that question. but because it took me seconds to decide that i'm happy. geez,,,is my life that pathetic?

well,,, i blame my job for this one. my job sucks. whose doesn't anyway? hehehe,,, but mine, it is irritating, unhealthy, got me grumpy all day, even at night,,, i'm sick with all those paperworks on my desk, uncooperated people at the office, and all that crappy thing i have to deal with. oh i just wanna get my a*s out of here,,, yes, maybe i am not happy.

but what is happiness anyway? i always thought that happiness is only a state of mind. it is us who decided at the end of the day whether this was a good day or a bad day. and it's not easy to stay positive and choose the good day everyday.

maafkan akan keluh kesah saya kali ini. hanya sedang merasa kesaaaaaal dan sebaaaaaaal. my dear God, if it is possible, i wanna take another turn in my life. right here, right now, right away. please.

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