Monday, November 16, 2009

long distance relationship

Semalem gw ceting ama temen gw. Dari yang awalnya chit chat biasa akhirnya kita ngebahas soal menikah, why on earth are we still single? This conversation led us to long distance relationship (LDR) topic. Is it possible? I told him that it’s possible, I do believe in LDR. It’s going to need extra works, but it’s possible. I’ve seen many living proves, that it’s actually works.

But he didn’t think so. He doesn’t believe in LDR. He tried once and failed. He agreed it’s going to need extra works, extra trust, extra love. And it’s exhausting.

Mengingat hidup gw yang nampaknya bakal berpindah-pindah, dan tidak selalu di kota besar, most likely gw bakal memiliki LDR. Jadi gw bilang ama dia, I choose to believe, to be positive. He said, that’s because I haven’t had any experience on this. might be true. But on my humble opinion, if we love someone, really love someone, nothing else matters. It doesn’t matter how far we’re apart, but what we have together, what we feel for each other. Lagian ya bo...hare geneeee... Dunia semakin menyempit, serasa dalam genggaman kita... *apalagi kalo pake BB..:D..* Komunikasi mah bisa dijabanin dengan berbagai cara. Tidak sesusah dulu, tidak semahal dulu. If you love someone that much, there’s more than one way to be together. Besides, to err is human, rite? We failed once but that doesn’t mean we’ll give up trying.

But hey, that’s me.. Yang suka over-romantic, yang suka pilem2 comrom, yang suka happy-ending-stories.. :D Yang masi berharap ada pangeran di luar sana, yang ga peduli gw ada di cepu dan dia entah di mana, yang amanah dan percaya ama gw, and somehow, someday, we’ll be together eventually. Kalo menurut lo??


Sasi said...

Don't listen to him say..jelas2 dia loser...gagal sekali trus takut mencoba...payah..payah... :P

Unknown said...

Ngga kok Sa,,,aku tetap yakin LDR is possible,,,especially if we ♡ someone so much,,,☺

nila said...

hai mba Rizka, jadi inget pengen komen ini :D

aku setuju ketika menjalani harus ada "extra works, extra trust, extra love". dan ketika "I choose to believe, to be positive", itu semua kembali ke pasangan.

dan ternyata yang terjadi adalah ketika pasangan itu engga bisa diberi kepercayaan, maka it's gonna be the end of relationship.

*ini bukan curhat, cuma sharing atau curcol*