Sunday, March 21, 2010

Memasak Sop

Menurut gw sop adalah masakan standar yang harus dikuasai. Sop yang berisi kentang, wortel, sayur, biasanya ditambahkan dengan bakso, sosis, atau ayam. Kebayang kan, kalau lagi flu, makan sop yang hangat dan bergizi pasti terasa enak. So I decided to give it a try yesterday.

And I failed,,,,hehehehe,,,, Bumbunya sih bener, tapi kekurangannya adalah, bumbunya ngga ditumis dulu sebelum dimasukin. And my teacher on this is my housemate, Yuni,,,, She was laughing all the way and forced me to watch and learn while she fixed it,,,

Well, though I haven't prove that I can cook soup, at least now I know how to cook it,,, ☺

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