Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fun Facts About Cepu (2)

Melanjutkan postingan sebelumnya, sekitar 2 tahun yang lalu,,, ini dan itu
Kali ini gw mau share seru-serunya aja yah,,,

10. Cepu itu kota minyak,,, (well, Blora benernya, ingat temans, Cepu is not even a town).
Jadi udah biasa banget liat orang-orang seliweran pake coverall, di Indomaret, di bank, di warung kopi, jalan kaki, almost everywhere. Udah biasa juga liat hoist/rig/alat berat seliweran.

11. Orang-orang perminyakan, mo di perusahaan apapun, instansi apapun, kalo ke Cepu jadi nostalgia.
Coz mostly mereka ikut pendidikan or ujian sertifikasi di Cepu. Mungkin karena itu juga kantor gw jadi sering banget kedatengan tamu-tamu. Bos-bos itu pasti mengawali speech-nya dengan "Dulu waktu saya pendidikan di Cepu,,,,,"

12. Wiskulnya lumayan banyak, tapi kebanyakan tempatnya jauh-jauh, dan berkolesterol tinggi, hehehe,,,,
Yang suka dicari tuh Sate Ayu di Padangan (sate kambing), Opor Kapuan (harus pesen dulu, kalo ga jam 11 siang udah abis), ayam bakar Mak Gogok, Lontong Tahu Bu Sabar. Tempat makan andalan kalo ada tamu-tamu :D Pernah dong seminggu 2 kali  berturut-turut gw makan sate kambing gegara ada tamu mulu.

13. Cepu is a melting pot!
Gaya kaaan? Ga kalah ama Jakarta, hehehe,,,, Karena lumayan banyak pendatang, jadi macem-macem juga asal penduduk Cepu. Yang dari Padang ada, Palembang ada, Kalimantan ada, Medan banyak, dan tentu saja dari Jember dong,,,

14. Potensi bisnis disini : persewaan buku dan DVD
Bukannya ga ada, ada sih tapi ga update. Pada suatu hari gw iseng-iseng ke tempat persewaan DVD, boooo,,,, banyakan koleksi DVD gw dooong dan lebih update tentu sajaaah. Sementara ini yang suka minjem baru Yudha ama Munadi & Dinda. Mungkin bisa bikin persewaan juga, hihihihi,,,, Udah mah pirated DVD, masi disewain pula. Kalo persewaan buku juga gw pernah iseng datengin, koleksi komik dan novelnya beberapa udah gw baca pas masi SMA dan kuliah.

15. Cepu is more accessible (atau accessable yak?).
Intinya mulai banyak pilihan transportasi ke Cepu dari kota-kota besar di sekitar. Bisa naik mobil, bis, kereta api maupun travel. Kereta api pun banyak jenisnya, ada KA Eksekutif Sembrani dan Gumarang Jakarta-Surabaya (tarif paling mahal, apalagi pas weekend or musim libur), KA Rajawali jalur Semarang-Surabaya (Eksekutif tapi lebih murah), dan ada KRD (KA Ekonomi) Cepu Ekspress untuk Cepu - Surabaya dan Blora Jaya untuk Cepu - Semarang (tarif paling murah, Rp 25 ribu kalo ga salah). Biar ekonomi tapi nyaman, pake AC, duduknya juga sesuai nomor tiket. Personally, I'd prefer train. Waktu tempuhnya lebih cepet, 3 - 3.5 jam. Kalau naik mobil bisa 4 - 5 jam plus encok pegel linu kalo jalannya rusak.

Yak, segitu dulu untuk kali ini,,, mari mariiii berkunjunglah ke Cepu teman-teman,,,, :)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Keys to Success

Masi dari training AOC kemarin niy,,,
Doooh gw terinspirasi banget yak!
Walo sempet ngedrop lagi gara2 jadi pjs sehari, hahahaha,,,,
But as Sari had said, struggle a little more,
And I'm going to live my life above the line :)
Anyhow, here are 7 keys to success :
1. Dare to dream
2. Dare to try
3. Dare to pray
4. Dare to be different
5. Dare to fail
6. Dare to learn
7. Dare to give
And the AOCs are dare to change! ;)
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women workers here

this writing is dedicated to all the women who works in this beloved company!
and especially here in cepu,,, :)

when i first came to cepu, we didn't have many women workers here.
but now, it's a bunch of us! hahaha,,,
and i saw them struggling with their own responsibilities.
maybe not physically, but i assure you, it's not easy either.
we're mostly facing people, bureaucrats and all their regulations.

it's hard, but we're not giving up.
sometimes we just stressed out and wanna cry,
but we just put our best smiles and laugh it out.
the hardest part here is proving ourselves to this company and all the men workers
that we're good enough, strong enough and capable enough to work here, with them

buat tetangga ruangan yang lagi lembur juga ngurus dokumen pembebasan, semangat ya ciiiin,,,
nanti kita beli martabak bareng, hahaha,,,,

packing unpacking version 3.0

lately i felt that my life is packed in a suitcase
i've travelled a lot
moving from one hotel to another
from one city to another
packing and unpacking almost every week

i brought my books, my works and my everything everywhere
i flew with aeroplane so often till i wasn't scared of flying anymore

but for what it's worth, though it's tiring, i enjoyed it
each and every single trip
my getaway

next week i'll have a scholarship test
another getaway ticket from here
hopefully i can make it ;)


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yang Lama dan Baru

Teman lama, teman baruuuu,,,

Change or Die

Some pictures from AOC Training,,,
It was fun, inspiring and challenging.
Had a great time there,,, ;)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tipe Pekerja

Masih hasil training kemarin,,,
Ada 3 tipe pekerja :
1. 4L, lo lagi lo lagi
Intinya, dia selalu dicari dan dibutuhkan, karena kontribusinya.
2. Yang ada ataupun ngga ada di kantor tuh ngga ada bedanya.
3. Yang kalo ada di kantor malah ngerepotin, bikin ribet.
Well, which one are you? Yang pasti, bapak trainer yang juga salah satu petinggi di perusahaan tercinta ini bilang, hidup itu harus memberikan manfaat,,,
Quite inspiring for me.
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Renungan Hari Ini

"@TeladanRasul: dan wanita-wanita yg baik adalah untuk laki2 yg baik dan laki2yg baik adalah untuk wanita-wanita yg baik (pula)(QS.24:26)"
Berusaha jadi wanita yang lebih baik, demi jodoh yang baik juga, Insya Allah,,, :)

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Life is A Beautiful Struggle

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life.
If we were to go through life without any obstacles, it would cripple us.
We would not be as strong as we could have been and we could never fly.
So the next time you are faced with an obstacle, a challenge, or a problem,
Struggle a little - then fly.
*taken from AOC Program Handbook
March 19th - 20th, 2012
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Monday, March 12, 2012

Selamat ulang tahun, bapakkuuu,,,

Bapak ulang tahun ke 58 hari ini :)
Selamat ulang tahun bapak,
Semoga bapak sehat selalu, bahagia selalu dan senantiasa dalam lindungan Allah SWT
Maafkan Rizka ya pak, belum bisa kasih kado yang paling bapak inginkan
Semoga bisa segera Rizka penuhin :)
*peluk erat*

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I'm supposed to be working today but the temptation to write on my blog is so big I can't resist
What the heck,,,, need to share some thoughts here,,,

So I'm still in the middle of a management training in Semarang
The last couple days we're taught about management,
like leadership, business communication, team work, decision making, etc.
Not only in classroom but also through some games and outdoor activities.

The common thing of those subject is about empathy and sympathy
We should treat people the same way we wanna be treated
We should listen to other's opinion
We should learn that we need other people,
that as a social creature, we, human, need to interact with other human
We should have empathy and sympathy for others.
That doesn't mean that we should follow what other's think or do
But at least we listen to them, respect their opinion, gather all the information
Then we can make a decision what we should do

In my opinion, the theory is applicable not only in business terms, but also in our daily life
We should realize that we're not the center of the universe
We can't always have what we want
And we shouldn't think less of others, before we can walk in their shoes
If you wanna be treated as a princess, treat others like a king or queen
If you want other people care for you, maybe you should start to care for others

And in this company, where people come and go in a short notice,
We travel a lot, move to new places, meet new faces in a constant periode,
Empathy and sympathy are very important,
So we can adapt easily, accept the changes, the new places, the new people.

And in terms of friendship, I found out that I do love meeting new friends
Meeting new people, getting to know their stories, learning their characters,
And finally, accepting them just the way they were.
And living in small town like Cepu (well,,, it's not even a town actually,,,,)
Friends are what makes you rich and fulfilled.
I was so depressed in my early year in Cepu, coz I was feeling lonely and alone against the world
But last year was different,
I had new friends, new activities and my life was happier, easier.
The acceptance on both sides will make everything easier

And it's them that make the ride in Cepu worthwhile,,, :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Can I be selfish just for this one time?
So I can be focusing on my training
and don't give a damn to other thing..

I know that works have no ending
But I just wish someone can take care of my duties in Cepu
Ini yang ada, semua-semua di fwd via email ke gw
Gw juga yang diomelin wakil pak kumbang giliran ada file yang ga ketemu

This is not a healthy organization and management
*tsaaaah,,, yang baru dapet materi leadership dan management :D
Harusnya sistem dan pekerjaan tetap berjalan walau PICnya ga ada
Bukannya jadi berhenti or ngegerecokin yang lagi ga ada

That's why we, the wrokers, need to go the extra miles in this company
If we care enough about this company
If we love this company

Monday, March 5, 2012

Training JBMP

Hari pertama training JBMP di Semarang.
Salah satu training mandatory di perusahaan tercinta ini
Training ini banyak ngebahas masalah manajemen
Katanya buat level supervisor or pengawas
Judulnya ajah Junior Business Management Program

Seru juga ikutan training ini
Refreshing juga, belajar hal-hal baru di luar kerjaan sehari-hari
Yang gw sebelin, banyak pendingan kerjaan di Cepu
Yang ga bisa gw serah terima-kan ke pekerja lain
Jadilah gw menyebar titipan kerjaan ke mana-mana
Dan hari ini gw telponin satu-satu cek kerjaan
BElum lagi setumpuk pe-er yang gw bawa ke Semarang, berusaha ngerjain di sela-sela training

Hhhhh,,,, bisakah saya training dengan tenang? :(