Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In case of emergency,,, (part 2)

Alhamdulillah,,,the emergency situation is finally over. It ended yesterday, and today things start back to normal. Tired but happy faces are around the office.

The happiness and laugh are spread easily. I can feel the positive energy. Feels like I wanna hug those great men,,,hahaha,,,:D Oh, I'm so excited,,,

Of course we still have to finish the paper works and investigation. Paper works is a piece of cake. But investigation,,,hmmm,,,it's going to be a hard work. Moreover, we need to find the causes. When it leads to human error, someone has to take the responsibility. Investigation is not intended to blame someone. The purpose is to find out what went wrong, what can we do to prevent it to happen again. But sometimes office politics or conflict of interest can blur the investigation result. Hopefully the investigation will run smoothly and independent, and importantly no one has to blame.

Okay folks,,,let's celebrate this happiness,,, !!!

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