Saturday, December 10, 2011

dedication part 2

i guess it's been awhile since i wrote on this blog.
i'm soooo sorry,,, too much things are going on.
i can hardly breathe myself.
works were killing me, i'm overloaded.
but what else can i say.
that's just how things are going in this company.
just do what you have to do, and do your best.
well,,, i used to do whatever it takes to make sure things are done.
i used to going the extra miles.
but this year i'm exhausted.
i do what i can do best, but that's all.
i can't guarantee the things are done.
lazy me. stupid me. whatever you may call.
i work for a living. not the other way around.

happy 54th anniversary, dearly beloved company.
hope you're going greater and stronger.
not only becoming the black sheep of this country.
one thing that you should know, your strenght is your employees.

those who do all field works.
covered with mud, oil, grease and their own sweat.
those who are willing to go the extra miles for your own sake.
those who are willing working miles away from their family.
those who are loyal enough to you and reject the other company's offering.
you'd better treat them well.


Anonymous said...

Uhuhu.. Mba riz i'm in the verge of being "muak" going the extra miles.. Ntah sampai kapan bisa bertahan niiy..

kaka said...

I feel you Cha,,, that's why I said that I'm exhausted,,, We need an emergency exit right away Cha,,,