owkaaay,,,, today is the last day of everything on 2011
the last friday, the last working day (though i'm not actually working today),
and i just felt lazy the whole day.
i was absent on weekly sport (itu loooh senam jumat pagiii, susye cari englishnya), i was late coming to the office, i'm not using batik and i'm wearing sandals (the new one!)
and soooooo,,,, good bye to 2011
good bye to all unfinished business and unachieved targets,
there's still 2012 to come, ohohoho,,,,,
welcome to 2012,,,
new year, new hope, new life, new challenges
hopefully, aaaalllllll izzzzzz weeeeeelllllllll
this. will. be. my. last. blog. post. on. 2011.
coz i'll leave to KL tomorrow and spend the new year's eve there.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
And all the hard work is paid off,,,
Akhirnya selesai juga sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Integrasi.
Banyak ceritanya yaaa,,,
Tapi kalo udah selesai gini yang keinget cuma seru dan lucu2nya.
Tim SMI kami kompak, bukan cuma pas lembur, tapi juga ke lomba karaoke.
Kasi semangat pak MR yang akhirnya juara 2, hohoho,,,,
Congratulation guys,,, everything seemed possible with you all,,, :)
Akhirnya selesai juga sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Integrasi.
Banyak ceritanya yaaa,,,
Tapi kalo udah selesai gini yang keinget cuma seru dan lucu2nya.
Tim SMI kami kompak, bukan cuma pas lembur, tapi juga ke lomba karaoke.
Kasi semangat pak MR yang akhirnya juara 2, hohoho,,,,
Congratulation guys,,, everything seemed possible with you all,,, :)
Sunday, December 25, 2011
And year 2011 will end in a week.
Time flies so fast,,,
I guess 2011 is a working year for me, just like 2010,, *sigh*
And as much as I curse it, I kinda enjoy it. Maybe I'm a bit of workaholic. There were times when I spent my weekend at the office and the office felt like my second home. I just brought my iPod along, and there I was, working on my weekend. Kinda stupid.
The struggle in Cepu was getting harder. Challenges and disturbances came so often. Till at some point, I thought enough is enough. I was just getting sick and tired here. It's time to find my Emergency Exit. Call me a quitter, but for those who said that, you just don't know what it's like so shut your mouth.
I'd like to think that I choose my own way of life and my happiness. I do not choose to be a common man. I won't stay just because the prestige, luxury and money. I want to take the leap of faith, having some adventure, developing, content and happy. Because it's my right to do so.
The good thing about this year is having great friends. I finally found friendship with my colleagues here in Cepu. It's a blessing in disguise. I have friends for almost every activity. Friend to bake a cake, friend to play tennis, friend to go to gym and jogging, friend to sing along, friend to have dinner with, and mostly friends to have a good laugh and deep conversation. Those are people who made my stay in Cepu is becoming more bearable and fun.
About my 2011 resolution, ohohohoho,,, I haven't done them all. Only 1 thing for sure, I finally hired a financial planner . So I can manage my assets and liabilities in the right direction. The funny thing about this is I found out that the hardest part was determining my financial goals. What do I want to do? What do I want to have? After I could figure it out, the rest was easy.
And the most fun of 2011 is that I accomplished some of fun activities. Yaaay!!!
On January, I've travelled to Singapore with Indah, went to interesting places, including Universal Studio Singapore. It was wonderful experiences, as we've travelled alone and getting lost in some places.
On June, I've travelled to Yogyakarta alone. Completely all by myself. Stayed in a boutique hotel, enjoyed javanish atmosphere and culture. I went to Keraton, Tamansari, Ullen Sentalu Museum and I watched Sendratari Ramayani on Prambanan. The last one was a great show ever and the stage background was Prambanan Temple.
On August, I went Omra for the second time with my family, Sari and Mariesa. It was a spiritual journey that I'll never forget. My first Omra was amazing, but this second one was memorable. I was enjoying my every moment there.
On September, I went to Linkin Park concert in Jakarta with Indah & Rhino. That was my second time watching their live show. Hopefully not the last one.
For the closure,,, so what's next? What do I want to do for 2012? Do not ask about work thingy, it's obvious that if 2011 was a crazy year, than 2012 will be a CRAZIER one! And I should figure out my Emergency Exit as I'll have paid all my dues on next January 2012. But as I found out that my passions are music, food and travelling, I'm expecting to have more travel experiences in 2012. To an interesting, exotic and great places. An eurotrip maybe? Hopefully,,,
Anyhow I'm excited for 2012. As it will be a crazier year than 2011 already is, it also will be a year filled with hope and expectation. I'll try my best and let God do the rest. So help me God.
Happy New Year, you all,,, ☺
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Sungai Gerong
Akhirnya, nyampai juga gw di HSE Training Center, Sungai Gerong.
Tempat ini kebanggaan semua orang HSE di perusahaan tercinta ini.
Semua orang abis pulang training dari sini ceritanya seru-seru.
Jadi penasaran gw,,, masa orang HSE blom pernah ke Sungai Gerong.
Sungai Gerong tuh lokasinya sejam dari Palembang.
Kompleks training center lengkap dengan dormitory dan fire ground.
Pada masa jayanya dulu, sempat disebut HSE Training Center terbaik se Asia Tenggara.
Sempat vakum dan 2 tahun terakhir ini direnovasi dan diaktifkan kembali.
Karena ini training wajib (mandatory), gw tunggu aja lah panggilannya dari HR.
Ternyata 2 kali dipanggil, 2 kali gw mangkir.
Bukan kenapa-kenapa, tapi karena kesibukan yang ga dapat ditinggalkan.
*tsaaaah,,,, sok penting*
Suka ngiri juga ngeliat orang lain bisa langsung berangkat.
Tapi apa mau dikata,,,,
Minggu lalu datanglah panggilan ke 3, lagi-lagi timingnya ga pas,
karena menjelang audit sertifikasi.
Udah siap-siap minta ijin lagi ke HR, eh ternyata sama pak bos disuruh berangkat.
Kata beliau, karena sudah panggilan ke 3, beliau ga bisa nolak lagi.
Gw disuruh berangkat aja, toh ini training penting dan mandatory.
Akhirnyaaa,,, berangkat lah sayaaah,,,, yaaaay,,,,
HSE Training Center ini kereeeeen banget!
Dormitory-nya enak, nyaman, kaya hotel, lengkap dengan fitness center dan wifi.
Ada gedung rekreasinya, lengkap ama meja-meja bilyar dan ruang karaoke.
Sudah pasti gw nyobain karaokenya duluan, hahaha,,,,,
Disediain bus dan sepeda untuk transportasi dalam kompleks
Misalnya dari restauran ke tempat belajarnya.
Tapi hari ini tadi gw pilih jalan kaki, toh ga gitu jauh, banyak temennya pula.
Ada mini market juga, yang ga kalah ama Indomaret or Seven Eleven, hehehe,,,
Lumayan buat cari cemilan or minuman dingin.
Naaaahhh,,,, yang penting sih gimana Fire Groundnya,,,
Hari ini tadi acaranya masi classroom ajah, mungkin karena hari pertama.
Besok mulai ke Fire Ground, udah ga sabar ajah nunggu besok, fire drill kami yang pertama.
Ngikutin classroom hari ini tadi, jadi inget masa classroom di Cirebon dulu
Waktu masi BPS, masi culun, bersemangat dan cinta bangeeeddd ama perusahaan iniiiii,,,,
Instrukturnya aja ada yang sama loooh,,,, apalagi materinya, hahahaha,,,,,
Gw ngerti kenapa tempat ini jadi kebanggan orang HSE, coz deep down inside,
gw juga bangga kami punya training center ini.
Dan gw seneng bisa training di sini.
Walopun pikiran sebagian ketinggalan di Cepu, mikirin persiapan audit sertifikasi.
Semoga semua dilancarkan Allah SWT,,,
Aamiin ya Robbal Alamiin,,,
Tempat ini kebanggaan semua orang HSE di perusahaan tercinta ini.
Semua orang abis pulang training dari sini ceritanya seru-seru.
Jadi penasaran gw,,, masa orang HSE blom pernah ke Sungai Gerong.
Sungai Gerong tuh lokasinya sejam dari Palembang.
Kompleks training center lengkap dengan dormitory dan fire ground.
Pada masa jayanya dulu, sempat disebut HSE Training Center terbaik se Asia Tenggara.
Sempat vakum dan 2 tahun terakhir ini direnovasi dan diaktifkan kembali.
Karena ini training wajib (mandatory), gw tunggu aja lah panggilannya dari HR.
Ternyata 2 kali dipanggil, 2 kali gw mangkir.
Bukan kenapa-kenapa, tapi karena kesibukan yang ga dapat ditinggalkan.
*tsaaaah,,,, sok penting*
Suka ngiri juga ngeliat orang lain bisa langsung berangkat.
Tapi apa mau dikata,,,,
Minggu lalu datanglah panggilan ke 3, lagi-lagi timingnya ga pas,
karena menjelang audit sertifikasi.
Udah siap-siap minta ijin lagi ke HR, eh ternyata sama pak bos disuruh berangkat.
Kata beliau, karena sudah panggilan ke 3, beliau ga bisa nolak lagi.
Gw disuruh berangkat aja, toh ini training penting dan mandatory.
Akhirnyaaa,,, berangkat lah sayaaah,,,, yaaaay,,,,
HSE Training Center ini kereeeeen banget!
Dormitory-nya enak, nyaman, kaya hotel, lengkap dengan fitness center dan wifi.
Ada gedung rekreasinya, lengkap ama meja-meja bilyar dan ruang karaoke.
Sudah pasti gw nyobain karaokenya duluan, hahaha,,,,,
Disediain bus dan sepeda untuk transportasi dalam kompleks
Misalnya dari restauran ke tempat belajarnya.
Tapi hari ini tadi gw pilih jalan kaki, toh ga gitu jauh, banyak temennya pula.
Ada mini market juga, yang ga kalah ama Indomaret or Seven Eleven, hehehe,,,
Lumayan buat cari cemilan or minuman dingin.
Naaaahhh,,,, yang penting sih gimana Fire Groundnya,,,
Hari ini tadi acaranya masi classroom ajah, mungkin karena hari pertama.
Besok mulai ke Fire Ground, udah ga sabar ajah nunggu besok, fire drill kami yang pertama.
Ngikutin classroom hari ini tadi, jadi inget masa classroom di Cirebon dulu
Waktu masi BPS, masi culun, bersemangat dan cinta bangeeeddd ama perusahaan iniiiii,,,,
Instrukturnya aja ada yang sama loooh,,,, apalagi materinya, hahahaha,,,,,
Gw ngerti kenapa tempat ini jadi kebanggan orang HSE, coz deep down inside,
gw juga bangga kami punya training center ini.
Dan gw seneng bisa training di sini.
Walopun pikiran sebagian ketinggalan di Cepu, mikirin persiapan audit sertifikasi.
Semoga semua dilancarkan Allah SWT,,,
Aamiin ya Robbal Alamiin,,,
Saturday, December 10, 2011
dedication part 2
i guess it's been awhile since i wrote on this blog.
i'm soooo sorry,,, too much things are going on.
i can hardly breathe myself.
works were killing me, i'm overloaded.
but what else can i say.
that's just how things are going in this company.
just do what you have to do, and do your best.
well,,, i used to do whatever it takes to make sure things are done.
i used to going the extra miles.
but this year i'm exhausted.
i do what i can do best, but that's all.
i can't guarantee the things are done.
lazy me. stupid me. whatever you may call.
i work for a living. not the other way around.
happy 54th anniversary, dearly beloved company.
hope you're going greater and stronger.
not only becoming the black sheep of this country.
one thing that you should know, your strenght is your employees.
those who do all field works.
covered with mud, oil, grease and their own sweat.
those who are willing to go the extra miles for your own sake.
those who are willing working miles away from their family.
those who are loyal enough to you and reject the other company's offering.
you'd better treat them well.
i'm soooo sorry,,, too much things are going on.
i can hardly breathe myself.
works were killing me, i'm overloaded.
but what else can i say.
that's just how things are going in this company.
just do what you have to do, and do your best.
well,,, i used to do whatever it takes to make sure things are done.
i used to going the extra miles.
but this year i'm exhausted.
i do what i can do best, but that's all.
i can't guarantee the things are done.
lazy me. stupid me. whatever you may call.
i work for a living. not the other way around.
happy 54th anniversary, dearly beloved company.
hope you're going greater and stronger.
not only becoming the black sheep of this country.
one thing that you should know, your strenght is your employees.
those who do all field works.
covered with mud, oil, grease and their own sweat.
those who are willing to go the extra miles for your own sake.
those who are willing working miles away from their family.
those who are loyal enough to you and reject the other company's offering.
you'd better treat them well.
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