Thursday, January 20, 2011

the great escape (2) - almost unreal,,,

okaaaay,,, so here comes the D-day! hari minggu, hari dimulainya the great escape,,, :D

gw udah sampai Jakarta sehari sebelumnya, sabtu siang, nebeng di tempat Indah. selain untuk memudahkan koordinasi, juga karena rhino, si ade tersayang, lagi liburan ke penang, hahahaha,,, gw ga ada tebengan bow,,, hari sabtu adalah hari persiapan, packing, tuker duit ke money changer, cari pesenan wulan & nino. hari minggu pagi masih dilanjut lagi siap-siapnya. oh yaaa,,, kita beli tiket Universal Studio secara online juga baru hari minggu ini, dan siangnya cari warnet buat ngeprint.

tiket, passport, koper, ransel, duit, novel, semua siap. sepertinya ready to go lah yaaaaa,,,, but the truth, i wasn't. jadi yaaaa,,, ada pe-er yang harus gw selesaikan dan gw emailkan sebelum gw cuti. gw udah cicil dari jauh-jauh hari tapi ga kelar-kelar. sampai 1 jam sebelum kami berangkat ke airport, gw masih berkutat ama laptop dan pe-er itu. dan setengah jam kemudian, akhirnya bisa gw selesaiin dan gw emailin kepada pihak yang berwenang, ohohohoho,,,,,

naaaah,,, berangkatlah kami ke airport, happy, excited, and sleepy. waktu ditanya supir taksinya, terminal berapa, dengan pede kami menjawab terminal 3, secara tiketnya air asia gettooo. ternyata salah dong, hahahaha,,,, *merasa bodoh*  si mba2 air asianya sampai panik sendiri, karena udah tinggal 30 menit menuju jam keberangkatan pesawat. begitu sampai di terminal yang seharusnya, 2D, masih harus antri imigrasi trus gatenya jauuuuh dan di ujuuuuuung. dari masih di imigrasi, udah diumumin kalo pesawat kami udah dateng dan akan segera berangkat. lari-lari deeeeh sepanjang jalan. sampai  pesawat udah keabisan napas duluan, hosh....hosh....hosh....

Testing Kate

kebiasaan gw tiap gw pergi, kemanapun, adalah bawa bacaan. majalah, novel, komik, pokoknya bacaan. rasanya ada yang kurang kalo ga bawa. untuk vacay kali ini gw memilih novel "Testing Kate", novel hadiah dari @andreeanee. ceritanya ga berat, tipe chicklit gitu, bahasa inggrisnya juga mudah dipahami, jadi cucok banget buat suasana liburan dan santai,,, dan buku ini yang menemani gw sepanjang penerbangan selama 1 jam 40 menit.

and touch down Changi,,,, yaaay!! the airport was big and busy. tapi banyak tanda penunjuk arah. jadi tinggal ngikutin ajah, ga bakalan nyasar, hehehe,,, di luar nino & wulan udah jemput dan kami ngikut mereka pulang pake bis. it was late at night when we arrived at their house, about half past midnight. padahal besok paginya nino harus ngantor. mahaaap ya noooooo,,,,,, :)

Indah, me and Wulan
alhamdulillah akhirnya sampai sincapow juga,,,
berasa kabayan saba kota, hahahaha,,,,

Sunday, January 16, 2011

the great escape (1) - a reward to myself

Kalo baca judulnya, kesannya gw kabur dari apaaa gitu, hehehe,,,
Eh tapi emang bener, gw baru ngabur dari kenyataan hidup,,, *halah!*

My great escape was planned since August 2010, together with my partner in crime, @iindadah. A trip to Singapore on January 2011. This was a holiday that we've been waiting for. A reward for ourselves, for our hardwork throughout 2010. And a fresh start for 2011.

Both of us had travelled a lot, for works. But this time, it's all planned and financed by us, not the company. The satisfaction is different.
Dan tentu saja kekacauan yang terjadi berbeda juga, hohohoho,,, But that was the escape all about, to have fun and enjoy the journey.

Marina Bay Sands SkyPark

I will share the story for each day of our escape on next posts. And also the other side of the story. Overall,,, it was a hell-of-fun,,, :)

A bunch of thanks to our dearest friends, @ninovsnino and @wulanwicaksono, for picking up us on the airport on our arrival, for having us at their home, and making our stay a pleasant and memorable one. Maafkan kamiiii sudah merepotkan, tapi jangan kapok yaaa,,, Hahahaha,,,, ☺

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kepala Tiga

hal paling mencolok yang gw rasakan sejak berusia kepala tiga adalah ...

1. merasa tertohok ngeliat iklan Ponds Age Miracle di tipi. produk khusus untuk wanita berusia kepala 3 supaya tetap memiliki kulit awet muda,,,, errrr,,,, am i that old?? should i start using that product?
2. merasa lebih mudah lelah dan cepet banget bobo di malam hari,,, *eh gw mah udah pelor dari dulu yak* hahahah,,,,
3. menjadi cepat lupa, pikun. ini sih entah karena faktor usia atau gw overload atau gw ga fokus,,, *sigh*
4. mulai bosan belanja-belanji, kecuali lagi diskonan atau lagi seterees,,, *loh?*

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Live My Life to The Fullest!

attention : this is my first blog post on 2011

so the 2010 chapter is closed, guys,,,,
now we're entering the new chapter, 2011.
how i love dividing my life into chapters or episodes, hahaha,,,

i love marking my way in this life, usually on my birthday and new year
it's kinda good for me
so i can evaluate what had happened, setting next goals, dreaming the next impossible dreams and starting to make those dreams happened

sadly to say,,, 2010 was working year
i was working my a*s of, till i couldn't think of anything else
i was working on weekdays, weekend, and even on my annual leave
i was attached on my desk, my office, my work

okay, i had some achievement at work
but i kinda failed in my personal achievement
i had plenty of unread books
i haven't renewed my TOEFL score
i haven't apply for any abroad scholarship
i still can't drive a car
i haven't had my eurotrip, us trip or any other trip that i dreamt of
and more over, i am still single on my 30, hehehe,,, :D

but i'm not gonna regret the year 2010
i still had plenty of things to be thankful for
i am thankful that my parents are healthy and happy on thier retirement year
i am thankful that my brother bought Bluey and still being the best brother in the world
i feel blessed for having tons of friends and thankful for their friendship
you know who you are,,, :)
i am thankful that i started to have friends here in cepu
and many more

on year 2011, i plan to live my life to the fullest!
so when i look back at 2011 one day, i can say "2011 is an awesome year!"
here's what i want to do in 2011 :
1. i want to visit my parents more often and be a better daughter
2. i'm going to spare my time to read books each day
2. having some trips to see the other side of this world, hopefully an eurotrip *cross my finger*
3. renewing my TOEL score
4. applying, scholarship or new job, hehehe,,, considering Jan 2012 is only a year away!
5. having fun, fun, fun, FUN!
6. join a driving course so i can finally drive a car
7. start to have a financial planning and making some good investment, maybe start a business
8. i am so gonna married this year, no matter what! amiiin,,,,

well, let's review that list again next year

next week i am going to have my first trip in 2011 with @iindadah. we're going to visit @wulanwicaksono and @ninovsnino. i'm so excited. maybe this is a good thing to start 2011. the year that i live my life to the fullest! :)