Sunday, July 6, 2014

Back To School!

After 14 years graduated from Environment Engineering, I finally decided to go back to school. Yes, I enrolled in a graduate program, majoring in Management. In Indonesia we call it Magister Management. There were many things to consider before I took this decision. But a short but meaningful morning chat with my ex VP (now he's moving to another company, though still in the same holding company), made the decision was easier to take.

One morning, he came to my desk and discussed a project that I was working on. It's not a subject that he was familiar with but somehow he could explain it briefly. I couldn't help myself to ask, how did he do that. He answered that it's just logical thinking that he learnt from graduate school. He took the same major years ago and what he learnt back then was applicable until now. He encouraged me to take the same major, because it will be an added value for me. He also said that he won't transferred me to fields  until I graduate.

So that week I search the program, fees, entry test, etc. I finally choose PPM School of Management. It has good reputation, great networking, reasonable fees and accessible. And since last April 2014, I started to go back to school! Funded by myself btw, not by the company... :))

At first, the main reason was only to stay in Jakarta and not being transferred to fields. But as the program running, I can't help myself feeling excited. I enjoy the classes, the new friends, the subjects, the school, etc. I love going back to school! Maybe this is the best decision I've ever made this year… :D 

Sometimes it's frustrating, trying to match your working schedule with classes schedule, but I am determined to do both. So whatever happens, I will never say "I don't have time" but I will say "I will make time".  It's just going to need extra works. I have to stay awake a little bit late or wake up earlier to do the assignments, to study and finish the program. It's been 2.5 month now and it's a good thing that I'm still excited. I enjoy each class and so far I've never missed a single class or assignments. Somehow, I'll make things works.. :)) 

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