Tuesday, June 12, 2012

a royal company

This post is written in Bandung, in a fancy hotel room, where I'll spend my days on this week.

Yes I'm on duty again. This time I join a task force to create training modules with several topics. When I arrived last Sunday, I thought "Wow this is one fancy and comfy hotel". The hotel room is big and completed with iron, hair dryer, sajadah, and big pillows. And once again, I realized that this company is very royal to its employees.  This company provides good accommodations and facilities for its employees. We fly with the best airlines in this country. We stay in a fancy hotel, four or five stars, wherever we're on duty. Even when we're in rural area, this company gives us the housing facilities, all furnitures are included. Well, I shall be very thankful and give my best shot in return.

That's the moment when my intention had changed, from working-semi-vacationing mode into fully-working-seriously mode. Eheheheh,,,,, So I was really happy today when my two modules had been reviewed by the seniors and I can move on to the presentation. Semoga hasil meeting kami di sini nanti bermanfaat yaaaa,,,, :))

1 comment:

Sari said...

Good spirit buuu.... semoga semua orang punya kesadaran dan semangat yang samaaa :)