Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Fault In Our Stars

This book was written by John Green, and this is my first time reading his books. Apparently he is a famous writer in USA. I know about this book from a friend, who had read it and wrote a beautiful review about it. So when I found it on a book store, I didn’t think twice to buy.

I’d say that this book tells about love stories, in a various-almost-complete forms. Not only between a boy and a girl, but also between friends, parents and their children, and even between humans and Life & Death in general.  You may disagree with me, but I’m a pathetic romantic so I’m kind of a sucker for love love LOVE. Besides, this is my review anyway, I can write anything I want,,, :D

Hazel (16) and Augustus’ (17) love story was unlike any other teenagers’ love stories. They’re both cancer survivors, met in a Support Group Meeting and became flirty friends until they became a couple. Augustus was so clear in expressing the way he felt to Hazel. You can see it from what he did and his strong words when he said his feelings. Augustus was willingly reading Hazel’s favorite book and gave a deep thought of it. He gave his one and only Wish, every cancer kid was granted one Wish by “Genie”, to finance himself, Hazel and Hazel’s mom to Amsterdam to meet the author of Hazel’s favorite book. And I was melted reading his love statement :

He’s a stand up kind of guy. He knew what he wanted, what he felt and said it out loud. His charms and hotness were only a bonus.

Dealing with cancer made them so close to Death, and they had their own fears. Hazel was afraid that she was just A Sadness to her parents, a grenade that could explode anytime and hurt people around her. That was her reason also when she rejected Augustus at first. And Augustus feared of oblivion, he was afraid that he would be forgotten soon after he’s gone. They’re both wrote a eulogy for each other. I won’t write them here. You should read it by yourself. It was breath taking and heart breaking. I love the way they described their love to each other.

Hazel and Augustus also taught us about keeping promises. Until the end of this book you’ll see how they’re keeping their promises, whether it was said or unsaid. How you’d be there for the one you love, in the times when they needed you the most. Like what Isaac, their cancer-survivor-friend, said :

Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway. That’s what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway. Don’t you believe in true love? ”

Other story on this book that caught my attention is Hazel’s parents, especially her Mom. She looked like a strong woman, being a stay-at-home mom and took care her sick child. She drove Hazel everywhere, and waited for Hazel until she finished her activities. Hazel was afraid that her mom didn’t have a life because of her and her disease. She was always trying to cheer Hazel up. Celebrating Hazel’s mid birthday and even Bastille Day, a day that was celebrated by French people. She loved Hazel so much and being there even when Hazel didn’t want her to. She reminded me of my own mother. My beloved and sweet mom. She’s hovering me now when I’m healthy and happy. I bet she won’t leave my side if I get sick. Mom’s love for their children is a solid form of unconditional love. 

Anyways, I highly recommend you, yes you, all of YOU, to read this book. It was beautifully written, containing beautiful words and stories. Happy reading guys,, J


Annisa Anggiana said...

aaakkhhh emang susah diungkapkan sama kata2 buku ini ya mba.. harus direkomendasiin ke orang2 nih :D

kaka said...

Iya Chaaaa, bikin susah move on ke buku laennya, hehehe,,,
Tapi katanya buku John Green plotnya mirip smua. Your first John Green book is your best John Green book. Others will only be another John Green book.