Sunday, August 14, 2011

This Ramadhan,,,

I feel blessed,,, so blessed and gifted,,,,

This weekend I went home to Jember. Rhino was going home too. Mom & Dad invited orphans from our neighbourhood to break fasting at our house.

Looking at those little kids, so brave, so pure, so innocent, so happy,,,, I was speechless. My heart just melted. Some of them don't have a father to support their lives and to take care of their family. Some of them don't have a mother to love them. Some of them even don't have both father and mother.

I guess I've found the answer of my dilema, the question I've been asking for lately. If I had to work my ass off, working hard like there's no tomorrow, only to help them, to ease their worries away, to support them, to give them a happy childhood like I had,,, I'm more than willing to do so. I'll be gladly to do that.

I guess I just need a reason to stay at this company. Not only for the salary, the facilities, the luxury, the prestige that I got, not only for me nor my pride, but also for those kids. The more money that I make, the more support that I can give them.

If only I could frame those little happy faces, and keep them in my mind. All I want to do was hugging them, told them that life will be hard, but they don't have to be afraid, that they will be okay. Somehow I found strength in their smiles.

Subhanallah,,, maybe this is Ramadhan's blessings. Once again, Allah SWT works in a mysterious way,,,

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