Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My research was on a journal,,,yaayy,,,

so I was googling my name,,,, *yeah, I know,,,narcistic,,,:p*
and one of the result was my research in university, it was on a journal, a scientific one,,yaayy,,, :D
nama websitenya : Indonesian Scientific Journal Database
oh wooooowwww!!! :D i am so proud of myself, hahahaha,,,

kalo mo tau, bisa dicek disini

baca deh judulnya :
Laju penyerapan zat organik oleh tumbuhan air eceng gondok, kayu apu dan duckweed: studi pada efluen IPLT Keputih.

FYI, IPLT singkatan dari Intalasi Pengolah Limbah Tinja
(eeeuuuuhhhh,,,,,so grooooooosssss,,,,you might say that, but this thing helped me to reach this Environmental Engineer title,,,hahaha)

kalo ngebaca abstraknya, masi takjub gw,,,,, kok gw bisa lulus yaaaaa saat itu???

hmmmm,,,,berpikir untuk menjadi peneliti,,,tampak menarik,,,,